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2020 Year End Banquet: Humble Ourselves and Learn To Love Our Land

2020 is a year full of challenges. Covid-19 has altered not only the way we live as a community, but also our economic infrastructure. As a global outsourcing and development company, Winking Studios puts the health of employees as the top priority. Despite the obstacles, Winking delivered a great result for 2020. We manage to overcome and stay afloat among the many difficulties.

Each year, Winking Studios hosts an Annual party to celebrate the hard work of the prior year. To honor the power of our nature, we all dress like a child of our mother nature. CEO of Winking Studios, Johnny Jan, appeared as a tribal elder to lead us through this hardship. Us human is just one of the residence that dwells on this earth. We are not more important than any other creatures. With more power, we should display more responsibilities.

The feast was kicked off by the primitives and explorers from Winking.

We enjoyed our feast while searching for treasures.

The intense and exciting activities always test our knowledge with Winking.

The most exciting part of the night has to be the lottery session. The excitement of winning the big prize is all revealed on our faces.

2021 is still full of challenges. Winking will continue to work hard in the global game industry to reach even further. We will continue to deliver our business motto and to take care of the health of all employees.