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Game Publishing
& Others

Founded more than 20 years ago, WindThunder Studio, the origin of Winking Studios, began with game development. Our team developed and published in-house games like Guardian’s Sword and Heroine Anthem, which gained significant popularity in the gaming industry. Our hit MMORPG, XAOC, attracted millions of fans across Asia, becoming one of our most valuable IP assets.

With extensive experience in publishing, our in-house games across various gaming platforms such as PC, Mobile, Xbox, Playstation over the years, Winking Studios has established strategic partnerships with major game publishing platforms, namely Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, among others.

Under Global Publishing, based on the commercial viability and marketability of the games, we provide third party game development companies with our manpower, expertise, and access to the major game publishing platforms to publish their games.

Under Others, we market and promote our in-house developed video games and peripheral gaming products, which primarily serve as prototypes to demonstrate and market our technical competencies to our customers.